Saturday, February 19, 2011

hakim & ayka : 2 [e-day]

date for engagement sudah ade...its going to be on 11/6/11. confirm.

50% preparation done.

dengan keadaan yang sgt busy dengan kerja yang ntah ape2 ni...rasenye 3 bulan lagi tu cpt sgt la pulak nak ready everything..

tapi takpe...lagi cepat lagi bagus....

tapi sebelum tu, 5 hari lagi untuk bertemu en chenta hati....[drooling drooling...hip hip hooray]

by the way....lets review engagement preparation

1. baju -

i choose to wear baju kurung moden, sebab sangat selesa and looks simple and just nice for me....mcm org slalu ckp dekat hospital 'baju doctor chantek la'....cehhh....rase kembang plak

warna pilihan : purple

tailor: me myself + mama + along the beader

progress: dalam proses menjahit baju...then going to send to along for the beading part....

hopefully sempat siap [eyh...mesti siap]

thanks to en chenta hati for sponsoring

material : RM200
beading: RM300
total for baju : RM500

2. make up : dah ade !! settle

3. pelamin: dah ade, n i choose fresh flower for it !!! n love it !!!...mama kate 'wat perabih duit je budak ni ...hehehe

it will be sumthing like this

but the flowers punye kaler mcm yg purple kat gamba bwh nie..huhuhu

4. photographer: dah ade !!! settle

for makeup + pelamin + photographer = 1500

5. canopy: dah tempah settle . RM400

6. catering: dah tempah. menu belum pilih. RM700

7. hantaran: still surveying. pattern yang dah bekenan ade. maybe buat sendiri..bajet RM2000.

8. goodies : still belum one of them mesti benda dibawah ini...hehehe

yang lain2 masih belum pk lg.....huhuhu


kureng asam betul org yang langgar kereta sy !!!!!

chenta : owh mama, saya mau kawen...kawen dengan siapa....dengan en chenta hati, en hakim nama dia...lalalala

One Response so far.

  1. wow, sama la yer kite. wink wink wink!!!
    love it.

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